About 6 years ago the internet was a very different place, - and if you want the truth it was a far more enjoyable experience. There weren't anywhere near as many viruses, scammers, malicious websites, or other bad things which we associate with it these days.
Back then I was introduced to a kind of chat site called '
Dobedo' (no url as site no longer exists), where everyone had their own little
avatar in a
virtual cartoon world. It was quite revolutionary at the time and was all very new to me. I met people from all over the world on there and really enjoyed it whilst it lasted. You're wondering where this post is going right?!....

Well I met this one guy in there who went by the name of Mac. I remember he was really friendly and a valuable guide around the place. Anyway I got to know him by his
irl name - Gerrard, and discovered that he was originally from the Netherlands. After Dobedo closed I kept in touch with Gerrard in an indirect sort of way, because he also had a
Livejournal which developed into a 'blog', and there was always an accompanying photojournal. His blog was always interesting to me because his life seemed so much different to mine; He lives in London so everyday life is obviously going to be very different to mine straight away, - but there's more to it than that... Gerrard has strong opinions on certain things which some of us probably never give a second thought to, - his look on life is very 'out there' compared to some peoples. Hence his blog became one of the first sites I would look at on a morning when checking the web.
That was until this week however, which brings me to the crux of this post - Gerrard has this week stopped writing his
blog. I'm sure he has his reasons, and I know he has a lot of other stuff going on in his life right now, but I just thought the event deserved a mention here.
If you're reading Mac, - thanks for all the updates mate and Good Luck....:o) See you on msm