Friday, January 13

Best Blonde joke ever

We've all heard a million-and-one so called 'best blonde jokes', but this one is THE one......


Thursday, January 12

What the Internet was made for!

I love sites like this. There are many variations of it, but the idea of the Penguin is genius.

For the less observant amongst you, - try typing your own message in the box at the bottom of the screen and then pasting the link it produces into your web browser. Only after the Penguin has finished his tricks of course!


Bit of a tear jerker

Deliberately didn't include a picture to this story to go along with the link, because although it's cute, it's also very sad and didn't think you'd want to see it every time you visit the blog.
BoingBoing mentioned it on Monday and there are now other scientific links to back up the fact that the whole thing is not a hoax.
Poor little thing :o(
