
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.
Took the dogs to the beach today,- twas flippin cold but it didn't seen to bother them!!
Took the dogs to the beach today,- twas flippin cold but it didn't seen to bother them!!
Last day at work today until after New Year so it's unlikely I'll do another post, - unless I get any decent photo's to send from my phone. So....
And a.....
And most of all, - THANKS FOR READING :o)
No joke in this posting for a change;
...we would definitely have to get a Beagle!! (This one's Jen's, friend's cousin's).
An electronic advent calendar! - Provides you with a different Christmas themed game every day. Enjoy....
A couple of my friends (Sy & Kirstine) are in Paris for the 'Race of Champions' annual motor racing event. He sent me this pic on Friday night. Have to say, I think the tower looks amazing at night.