Thursday, December 22

Torvill & Dean

Although both Jen and I have ice-skated in the past, neither of us had been to and outdoor rink....until last night; There's a Christmas Ice Rink near where we live so went along. The rink, although only temporary, is on a very picturesque part of theNewcastle-Gateshead Quayside (as shown in the pic below).
The whole thing had a very Christmassy feel, - the ice that had built up around the rink looked like snow, all the usual songs were playing, and of course everyone was dressed in hats, scarves & gloves etc.
I'll admit we're hardly experts, and although it sounds cruel, the best part of the night had to be watching the obvious first timers. It was like something from a cartoon at times the way people struggled to stay on their feet!
Anyway I can thoroughly recommend it, - especially for anyone that hasn't quite got the Christmas buzz yet.

Millennium Bridge


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