Thursday, June 29

The War Tapes

Wouldn't mind seeing this film, although I'm not even sure if it will get released in the the UK.
4 US Soldiers were given a video camera to film their tour of duty over the last year in Iraq, and this is basically an edited version of their story. 'Edit'ed as in the rubbish taken out, - not edited as in made to look more exciting as with a lot of other documetaries!

Judging by the trailer it looks like a real life version of Jarhead without all the Hollywood special effects and cheesey dialogue.


Friday, June 23

Happy Birthday Mam

Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

It was my Mam's 60th Birthday yesterday, - couldn't get 60 candles on so went for 1 candle for every 10 years!!
My Dad bought her a laptop for a present, so I guess the first test will be as to whether she manages to find this photo, haha.
Of course the dog had to get in the shot too!!

Monday, June 19

South Park yourself

Hours of fun to be had with this. A similar thing was around a while ago but it didn't have anything like as many options.

This is my attempt at creating one of me......


Saturday, June 17

Home sweet, blo*dy home!

Home sweet, blo*dy home!
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

And as usual the english weather makes you really appreciate it! Show me the way to the pub...!

Thursday, June 15

Pre-match warm-up

Pre-match warm-up
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

Having a doss day by the pool before heading to the local to watch the lads play. Just like being at home really...Not! COME ON ENGLAND, COME ON ENGLAND!

Monday, June 12

"River deep, Mountain high..."

"River deep, Mountain high..."
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

Today we went to a village called 'Guardalest' (sounds right but spelling wrong!). Basically a castle on top of a very high mountain overlooking a valley. We did the tourist thing and went up the top of the castle for the best photo opportunity. The river down below was what Jen described as 'Caribbean Blue', as it totally reminded us of the sea in Cuba and the Dominican. Bit too high to carry on the dive bomb competition though!!

Sunday, June 11

Big Sam

Big Sam
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

Not the best picture but football fans will recognise this as 'Sam Aladyce' the Bolton manager in a bar we were in the other night. He has an apartment on the beach front here along with a few other B-list celebs; Alan Curbishley, Chris Eubank...

Top Bombing!

Top Bombing!
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

We've been having dive bomb competitions in our pool today. Eventually worked out that synchronised bombing was best for getting the most water out of the pool! I think i've done a few too many cos i now feel bruised in places i didn't know you could bruise!! This pic is one of Jen's early attempts with my Dad in the background wishing he could get a peaceful swim!!

Thursday, June 8

Happy Birthday Pinar

Happy Birthday Pinar
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

Jen thought you'd like the pic. There's also a street called 'Pinar' too! I hear you's are back in the U.K. now,- that's a bit of a cheap shot mind; coming home after 7 weeks just to pick up Birthday presents! ;-)

Tuesday, June 6

Calpe Rock

Calpe Rock
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

We're in the town of Calpe today which is a short drive along the coast from our villa. Yours truly has been doing the driving for the last 2 days,- once you get used to doing everything with your right hand it's nae botha. Calpe is known for the huge rock seperating the two halfs of the beach. Really nice place...

Sunday, June 4


Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.

Weather scorching, villa big,clean & modern, everything's spot on. No plans to basically do anything except doss in the sun for 2 weeks.

Friday, June 2

"We're all off to sunny Spain, singing...."

".....Viiivaaaa, L'espagne!"

.....and hoping Lee and Emma don't wreck the hoose ;o)

Thursday, June 1

Mad as a box of frogs!!!

Over the past 6 weeks I've blogged numerous times about Ross and Pinars travel blog. They've managed to post pictures from every Country they've visited and to top it all off they got engaged half way through their journey. That would be bonkers enough for some people, but not these two...
We received a text from them at about 11.30pm last night saying they were getting married in less than an hour!!!! - as you do eh. They did what most people simply haven't got the bottle to, and went for it Vegas style.
Needless to say it took Jen hours to calm down after the text cos she's obsessed by all things wedding related!
So there you go, it's definitely been a trip they're never going to forget and I think all that remains to be said is a huuuuuuge...

CONGRATULATIONS the new Mr & Mrs Wigham. *cheers*

There's going to be one heck of a drunken session required when they get back. Incidentally they have now decided to stay on another week.....!!!!


Did you know...

Look who's been taken over; Go to and see where it takes you...!

Here's an impressive offer as a result of this and it's available from today. Looks like the Broadband price war is really starting now which can only be a good thing.

It's not actually a takeover as such, - it's just a rebrand. They are both part of French Telecom;
