Wednesday, May 24

The Real Firework code

Following Jen's surprise Birthday bash last Friday as everyone was preparing to go back to our house someone suggested setting off some fireworks. (Basically one of the guests owns a shop and had loads stored in his garage). As everyone was quite drunk by this time the idea obviously appealed to everyone.
After picking the fireworks up we got back to ours about 11pm and the first one was set off at 11.10ish. Within 30seconds (not exagerating here!), a neighbour from across the street was banging on our door playing holy hell! He ranted and raved about it being illegal and threatened to call the Police. After laughing at his over the top reaction it was decided that Jen would beat him to it and she called the Police herself. They confirmed that we couldn't set them off after 11pm. Knowing that everyone was drunk and not wanting to escalate this any further, that was the end of it.
It's been bugging me all week though because I was convinced that there are fireworks set off legally on other nights apart from November 5th. Sure enough, a quick Google for the Firework regs produced the following;

7. - (1) Subject to paragraph (2) below, no person shall use an adult firework during night hours.
(3) In this regulation, "night hours" means the period beginning at 11 pm and ending at 7 am the following day and a "permitted fireworks night" means a period -
(a) beginning at 11 pm on the first day of the Chinese New Year and ending at 1 am the following day;

(b) beginning at 11 pm on 5th November and ending at 12 am the following day;
(c) beginning at 11 pm on the day of Diwali and ending at 1 am the following day; or
(d) beginning at 11 pm on 31st December and ending at 1 am the following day.

So there you go, - you learn something new everyday.
Also in case you're wondering it appears the Hindu festival of Diwali is on a different date each year, - I bet that one would confuse the neighbours!!!



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