Monday, October 31

Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.
My attempt at a slightly different carving this year.
Friday, October 28
Baby Blog
Our friends, Ian and Sarah are expecting their first babba in March. They're both really excited about it, and I've been trying to get them to get a blog up and running to document the event.
After not getting far with Ian's efforts, I agreed to help to get them up and running.
Go have a look and 'add a comment' to one of the postings whilst there to let them know you've been.
Another Hurricane hits Cuba
As I mentioned last month, we only just missed the affects of Hurricane Rita whilst on our honeymoon in Cuba. Rita hit mainly the centre and the west of the island, but we were staying on the east side.
The latest hurricane, Wilma, hit the island earlier this week and again hit the west side. BoingBoing have a posting showing the extent of the flooding to the islands capital, Havanna.
We were obviously very lucky and there's no way I'd consider going back to the Carribean in the so called 'Rainy Season'!!
Also, after the pictures on the news this week, I wonder how cheap they'll have to make the holidays to get Brits back to Cancun, Mexico next October!?!!
Thursday, October 27
Humans are so stupid at times
My office is in the grounds of a hospital in a quite rural area. There are loads of open fields, plenty of ancient trees and quite a bit of wildlife. The hospital itself is very old so a new one is currently being built on part of the site, and as a result there's been quite a bit of digging and removal of bushes etc. - this in turn obviously moves the wildlife.
I'm used to seeing quite tame rabbits about the place which was good until recently. Apparantely Myxomatosis is rife at the minute which is something I didn't really know much about. - Check out Wikipedia's description.
So a group of people decided to calm the rabbit population of Australia by creating a disease. - I can't believe they seriously thought the disease would remain isolated to the one Country! This was the sight outside my office window this morning;
Sorry for the morbid posting, but sometimes a blog rant is called for!!
First blog direct from my phone!

First blog direct from my phone!
Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.
This post has come straight from my mobile phone via 'Nokia Lifeblog' and 'Flickr'. Definitely the way forward when it comes to blogging. As for the picture, well that's Jen's latest effort at making bread! You can't fail to be impressed with the size of the thing.-My wife REALLY is using her loaf!!
Wednesday, October 26
Terrible joke
Billy, The world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make, is taking a stroll down his local high street. As he passes by the record shop, a sign catches his eye.
"Just Released - New LP - Wasps of the World & the sounds that they make - available now"
Unable to resist the temptation, Billy goes into the shop.
"I am the world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make. I'd very much like to listen to the new LP you have advertised in the window."
"Certainly, Sir," says the young man behind the counter. "If you'd like to step into the booth and put on the headphones, I'll put the LP on for you."
Billy, The world expert on European wasps, goes into the booth and puts on the earphones. Ten minutes later, he comes out of the booth and announces,
"I am the world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make and yet I recognised none of those."
"I'm sorry Sir", says the young assistant. "If you'd care to step into the booth, I can let you have another 10 minutes."
Billy, The world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make, steps back into the booth and replaces the headphones. Ten minutes later, he comes out of the booth shaking his head.
"I don't understand it", he says, "I am the world expert on European wasps and the sounds that they make, and yet I still can't recognise any of those!"
"I really am terribly sorry", says the young assistant.............
{click and drag the line below to read the punch line, - you were warned, it's bad...}
......."I've just realised I was playing you the bee side."
Optical Illusion
Everyone loves an optical illusion, so give this one a try.
As I have to say everytime I post one of these, - don't worry it's not one of them stupid ones where a big face fills the screen once you've stared at it for a while
Tuesday, October 25
Photo homing
As you've probably realised I've got photos scattered all over the shop. I've tried my free web space that came with my Pipex account, I've also tried the Microsoft Spaces site. They're both good in their own way, but neither seem to do everything I'm after, i.e. quick uploads with full control of how the photo's are displayed. I've therefore decided to follow what seems to be an ever growing crowd and move to the 'Flickr' photo service.
It's a lot more advanced than MS Spaces, but still simple enough to use. Not a lot of our photo's on there at the minute but I'll obviously be updating it....
Evillllll LV

Originally uploaded by Beebop Alula.
The most placid cat going, yet you wouldn't think it from this photo! - It's a yawn btw.
{This is a test blog entry from my new 'flickr' account)
Monday, October 24
MULTI-storey Car Park
You might have spotted this in the press last week;
Would definitely be something worth seeing first hand.
Wednesday, October 12
Got the DVD boxset last week and have been watching an average of 2 a night ever since. Watched episode number 18 last night, titled "Numbers". Without giving too much away it's weird to say the least but it's definitely got to be one of my favourite episodes so far.
I think they went wrong with this program by laying too many strange things on people during the first night of pilot episodes. The monsters in the jungle and polar bears etc caused a few people to switch off at that point because it seemed ridiculous. Shame really cos the rest of the series is very different to those first two episodes.
They're a good way into series 2 in the states, - I just hope too many spoilers don't get out before that series is shown over here.
Tuesday, October 11
3D works of art
Recently I've received quite a few pictures via e-mail of works by a street artist who basically creates amazing 3D images. They look nothing close up, as you'll gather from some of the ones in the link (The '3d illusion' section), - but when photographed from a certain angle they're just class!!
Click here for loads of 'Julian Beever's' best work
Wednesday, October 5
Scared of heights??
Check out this new Theme Park in Las Vegas;
Vegas1.jpg Vegas2.jpg Vegas3.jpg Vegas4.jpg Vegas5.jpg
I'm not scared of any Roller Coaster, in fact the bigger the better normally. I am however REALLY scared of heights if that makes sense. I would go on the rides where I was fastened in etc. but I don't think I'd be able to step out on to the roof in this case to actually get to the rides!!
Bad Taste..??
Jeremy Beadle has become the latest star to be immoratalised in the Hollywood Walk of Fame....
Makes ME look fat!!
Spotted this article which made me laugh.
That's what you call making the most of what you've got! Maybe there's a change of career for me there somewhere?!!