Friday, July 22


You may have seen this story in the local press, about a 7 year old boy, Alex, who managed to impale himself on a railing on the way to the sweet shop.
Alex is my fiancee's parents, next door neighbour's grandson (follow that?!). We only see him once a year on Boxing Day when we all pile into his Grand Parents house for drinks, but it still hits home a lot more when you know the person in question. Needless to say the press are having a field day with the story at the minute, - it's just the sort of thing they love.
I had a nasty accident as a child when I managed to pull a kettle of boiling water over myself at only 18 months old, and hearing Alex's parent's comments on TV made me think about what my Mam and Dad must have gone through with me. The big difference between me and Alex is that he'll remember what happened to him;

VERY brave little lad!


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