B52's, Smashin' Pumpkins, The Eagles....
It that time of year again where the Christmas decorations are starting to go up. We'll be doing ours this weekend, and some job it'll be too! As if we didn't have enough lights on the go last year, - we also bought a shed load more in the sales last January!!
We weren't sure what to expect compared to the TV show, i.e. how would they cope with the costume changes etc, but they surpassed all our expectations. They were on stage for about one and half hours in total and they literally used every character (except 'Dennis Waterman' of course as that wouldn't have worked live!).
They started with 'Lou and Andy' and the encore perfance was 'The Only Gay in the Village'. I think everyone's favourite scene on the night though was 'Vicky Pollard' simply because Matt Lucas kept slipping into a Geordie accent whilst doing the sketch.
The 'Maggie and Judy' sketch where Maggie spews everywhere was also brilliantly worked out. This sketch came just before the interval so that they had time to clean the stage before moving on!!
They pushed the limits of taste even further than they do on the TV; In the 'Sebastian & Michael' sketch David Walliams stripped off completely!!
By half way through I was crying with laughter and by the end my cheeks were sore!
Must give a special thanks to Ross and Pinar for getting us the tickets.
Ap0logies for picture quality, - phone couldn't cope very well with the bright stage lights and the dark theatre.
This post probably won't mean a lot if you're still watching series 1 of 'Lost' and haven't reached the episode about Hurley, titled 'Numbers'. Actually if that's the case stop reading now, - although this isn't a spoiler as such, it will give away the jist of the Hurley episode.
Can also make you a cup of tea!
Took delivery of our new mobile phones yesterday, - the Nokia N70. I did a lot of looking round and biding my time before opting for this model; I knew whatever I chose had to be 3G compatible as it is starting to take off now...at last! The only problem we have at the minute is the limited coverage in our area, - check out this coverage map; 3G_Coverage.JPG. Coverage is very limited where we live, but then again most of our video calls will be made when we're out of the house in areas which are in fact covered.
So the phone has all the bells and whistles we required plus a few things which make it stand out, i.e. a 2 Megapixel camera - which is really good on a phone and it is also capable of receiving Orange TV!!
As usual, -we just have to figure out how to work the things now.....
This is so simple but has endless posibilities. It's kind of an electronic time capsule, where you can type an e-mail to send to yourself at a later date.
Year 1981
This is canny - if you've got broadband in order to wait for the download.