Friday, June 4

Thank the lord my fiancee's into football!!!

Bit of a worrying article this! I wonder how many couples split up in the run up to, and during a major televised football tournament. In a world of supposed equality surely there should a similar event for women?! Wonder what would happen if the shoe was on the other foot. Shoes that's it! - Women lurrrrv shoes, I guess the equivalent would be the European Footwear Championships.
A couple of e-mails have been flying round work today asking what everyone has planned for England's second game (Thursday evening 5pm k.o.), but no-one's able to commit themselves presumably because they haven't mentioned it to their other half. To quote a colleague who's in this boat; "How lucky are you having a lass who actually enjoys watching footy", - bless her, no wonder we're getting married!


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