Wednesday, June 2

Handy and yes it's legal

Managed to wangle myself a new phone yesterday, - I say wangle 'cos it's actually meant for my Dad due to his being nicked, (long story not going to go into here). Anyway it's a Nokia 6600, but came supplied on the Orange network. For some reason all of the mobile phone operators except Vodafone lock their handsets down so they can't be used on other networks meaning my Voda sim wouldn't work in the phone. In the past I've always gone to a shop and paid £10 - £20 for some sales pleb to plug the phone into a machine and unlock it, but then I found these people through google. For £4.50 they provide the codes and instructions to do it yourself, you can use paypal and they seem like a decent company. Shouldn't have to pay anything at all really as there's no reason why the providers should be locking them down, but that's a can of worms in itself.


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