Thursday, April 13

What was I doing 20 years ago....?

Approx 20 years ago (30th March 1986), myself and two friends decided to bury a time capsule at the local beach. We provided details of ourselves and current affairs at the time as well as instructions to contact us if it were ever found. We dug a 6 foot hole and buried the capsule, ensuring we didn't tell anyone else.
I arrived home from work 20 years to the day later to find a message on my answerphone from someone who had found the capsule! The person in question did not say what they were calling about, but just left their details and asked me to give them a call. He then asked if I could remember what I was doing 20 years ago to the day. After a little hint I immediately guessed.
I was completely taken aback because over the years I have noticed the sand get deeper and deeper in that area and I always thought the capsule would never be found, - certainly not in my life time anyway!What makes it more ironic is the person that found it, was also one of my younger brother's teachers at school!
He agreed to provide me with a copy of the capsule contents - see below. The capsule was actually found a few weeks ago but he thought he'd leave it until exactly 20 years to the day before contacting me.
Page 2 of the letter is bizarre to say the least! - I guess we were going through a phase or drawing what we thought were good cartoon characters at the time...!
The photocopies aren't really the clearest, but considering the capsule actually consisted of a Coffee jar sealed with gaffa tape, the contents have stood the test of time quite well!
The finder of the letter also included a covering letter when he sent me copies of the contents;


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