Friday, July 22

Quote of the Day

Found this on the web regarding the incident at Stockwell tube station- London, this morning;
"So glad the Police shot and killed that suspected terrorist....
....that'll teach him to try and commit suicide!!!!"


You may have seen this story in the local press, about a 7 year old boy, Alex, who managed to impale himself on a railing on the way to the sweet shop.
Alex is my fiancee's parents, next door neighbour's grandson (follow that?!). We only see him once a year on Boxing Day when we all pile into his Grand Parents house for drinks, but it still hits home a lot more when you know the person in question. Needless to say the press are having a field day with the story at the minute, - it's just the sort of thing they love.
I had a nasty accident as a child when I managed to pull a kettle of boiling water over myself at only 18 months old, and hearing Alex's parent's comments on TV made me think about what my Mam and Dad must have gone through with me. The big difference between me and Alex is that he'll remember what happened to him;

VERY brave little lad!

Ahoy there!

The Tall Ships Race comes to Newcastle this weekend and will no doubt attract thousands of visitors. However before they get there, 13 of them are docking at Blyth (where I live) this weekend for a festival taking place tomorrow night.
We saw the first ship, the 'Prince William' arriving on Wednesday and it did look quite impressive - see pic below. The best one to see will be the 100m Russian ship called 'Mir', which arrives on Saturday afternoon.
Definitely the sort of thing Blyth needs to improve it's image and attract new businesses to the area.

The 'Prince William' arriving at Blyth Quayside

Wednesday, July 20

Not just a search engine

There are loads of map sites available on the Interweb such as multimap and streetmap, but now Google have released their own Google Maps site which is much clearer and seems far more powerful, especially the 'get directions' feature which even draws the route on a map for you.

If you want to try something more bizarre, have a look at their moon maps. Also just to prove they've got a sense of humour try zooming right in on the moon map.....- so the stories about the moon really are true then!

Friday, July 8

D'acclamation une meilleure chance vers le haut - la fois prochaine!*

I know the Olympics being awarded to London are now completely over-shadowed because of the events of yesterday, - but as expected the e-mails taking the p*ss out of the French began straight away...
*Cheer up, - better luck next time!

Wednesday, July 6

Brain a mess?

Got sent this on an e-mail today. Read all the text first before clicking on the link, and I promise it's not one of them pictures where something jumps out at you after a few seconds
Find the man between the coffee beans.
Doctors have concluded that if you find the man in 3 seconds that Your right half of your brain is better developed than most people. If you find the man between 3 seconds and one minute, then your right half of the brain is developed normally.
If you find the man between one minute and 3 minutes, then the Right half of your brain is functioning slowly and you need to eat more protein.
If you have not found the man after 3 minutes your right half of Your brain is a mess, and the only advise is to look more for these types of exercises to make that part of the brain stronger.
The man is really there...

(Worried me how long it took me to do this!)

Tuesday, July 5

Can you teach a dog to say cheese?!

It's back....We're going to have another try of the 'Dog Cam'.
As 'Bertha' is still quite young we haven't been able to give her the run of the house cos she wrecks the place. The last time we tried, a few months back, she basically chewed the sofa to bits!
My Mam and Dad are dog sitting whilst we're on our honeymoon, so we're trying to get her trained ready for them.
I'm not over confident I have to admit, but tomorrow is going to be her first day of the trial. I'll leave the web cam running in case she goes completely beserk, in the hope that I can get home in time and stop her! We came to the conclusion last time that it's the window cleaner which makes her go beserk, so she'll not get the run of the place on them days.
Fingers crossed then and look out for some bizarre camera shots! "Smile Berfa"......

Monday, July 4

Cool Pic

A friend of mine from Holland has recently returned from travelling round Australia and New Zealand. He sends e-mails when ever he can often with some cool pictures. Unlike me, he seems to take a few good quality pics rather than loads of rubbish. Had to post this one, - you have to agree it's just a cool pic;

I'm really scared of heights so I keep looking at the picture, wondering whether I'd have been able to do that! :¬?